Source code for dtactions.natlinkclipboard

# This file was part of Dragonfly.
# (c) Copyright 2007, 2008 by Christo Butcher
# Licensed under the LGPL.
# It is now improved and augmented for the Natlink project
# by Quintijn Hoogenboom for wider use 15/7/2019, ..., March 2021
# See also in Unimacro/unimacro_test

This file implements an interface to the Windows system clipboard.
#pylint:disable=C0116, C0321, R1710, W0702, R0913, R0912, W0622
import copy
import time
import win32clipboard
import win32con


[docs]class Clipboard: """Clipboard class, manages getting and setting the windows clipboard """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------- format_text = win32con.CF_TEXT format_oemtext = win32con.CF_OEMTEXT format_unicode = win32con.CF_UNICODETEXT format_locale = win32con.CF_LOCALE format_hdrop = win32con.CF_HDROP format_names = { format_text: "text", format_oemtext: "oemtext", format_unicode: "unicode", format_locale: "locale", format_hdrop: "hdrop", }
[docs] @classmethod def get_system_text(cls): """get text from the clipboard from natlinkclipboard import Clipboard simply call: text = Clipboard.get_system_text() as alias also Get_text can be used, so: text = Clipboard.Get_text() """ if not OpenClipboardCautious(): print('Clipboard, get_system_text: could not open clipboard') return try: for _format in cls.format_unicode, cls.format_text, cls.format_oemtext: try: content = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData(_format) if content: break except: continue else: print('Clipboard, get_system_text, no content found') content = "" if content: content = content.replace('\0', '') if content.find('\r\n') >= 0: content = content.replace('\r\n', '\n') return content finally: win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
Get_text = get_system_text
[docs] @classmethod def set_system_text(cls, content): """set text to the clipboard First the clipboard is emptied. This method fails when not in elevated mode. As alias, you can also call: Clipboard.Set_text("abacadabra") """ print('set to clipboard: %s'% content) # content = str(content) if not OpenClipboardCautious(): print('Clipboard, set_system_text: could not open clipboard') return clipNum = win32clipboard.GetClipboardSequenceNumber() # print 'clipboard number: %s'% clipNum try: win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard() if isinstance(content, bytes): _format = cls.format_text elif isinstance(content, str): _format = cls.format_unicode win32clipboard.SetClipboardData(_format, content) except: print(f'Clipboard, cannot set text to clipboard: {content}') finally: clipNum2 = win32clipboard.GetClipboardSequenceNumber() if clipNum2 == clipNum: print(f'Clipboard, did not increment clipboard number: {clipNum}') win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
Set_text = set_system_text
[docs] @classmethod def Get_clipboard_formats(cls): """returns a list of format types of current clipboard This is mainly meant for debugging purposes. """ if not OpenClipboardCautious(): print('get_clipboard_formats, could not open clipboard') return try: # formats = _get_clipboard_formats_open_clipboard() return formats finally: win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
[docs] @classmethod def get_system_folderinfo(cls, waiting_time=0.05): """returns a tuple of file/folder info of selected files or folders As alias use Get_folderinfo, Get_hdrop or get_system_hdrop win32con.CF_HDROP is the parameter for calling this type of clipboard data """ if not OpenClipboardCautious(waiting_time=waiting_time): print('Clipboard, get_system_folderinfo, could not open clipboard') return try: for i in range(3): try: folderinfo = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData(cls.format_hdrop) break except: time.sleep(0.1) continue else: print('%s folderinfo: %s'% (i, repr(folderinfo))) if folderinfo: print('got it!') return folderinfo else: print('Clipboard, get_system_folderinfo: no folder info found.') return return folderinfo finally: win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
get_system_hdrop = get_system_folderinfo Get_folderinfo = get_system_folderinfo Get_hdrop = get_system_folderinfo #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, contents=None, text=None, from_system=False, save_clear=False, debug=None): """initialisation of clipboard instance. save_clear can be set to True, current clipboard contents is saved and cleared saved contents are kept in self._backup and will be retrieved when instance is destroyed. from_system: obsolete option contents: can be set as initial contents of the clipboard (not tested, 2019) text: can be set as initial text contents of the clipboard (not tested, 2019) debug: default off, 1: important messages are printed, > 1 more messages are printed """ self._contents = {} self._backup = None self.debug = debug or 0 if not OpenClipboardCautious(): if self.debug: print('Warning Clipboard: at initialisation could not open the clipboard') return self.current_sequence_number = win32clipboard.GetClipboardSequenceNumber() if self.debug > 1: print('current_sequence_number: %s'% self.current_sequence_number) # If requested, retrieve current system clipboard contents. if from_system: self.copy_from_system(save_clear=save_clear) elif save_clear: self.copy_from_system(save_clear=save_clear) # Process given contents for this Clipboard instance. if contents: try: self._contents = dict(contents) except Exception as exc: raise TypeError(f'Clipboard: Invalid contents: "{contents}"') from exc # Handle special case of text content. if not text is None: self._contents[self.format_unicode] = str(text) def __del__(self): """restore clipboard if self._backup contains data This is so if save_clear is True when the instance was created, and when the clipboard held data at that moment. Note: need elevated mode for setting the clipboard... """ if self._backup: self.restore() def __str__(self): arguments = [] skip = [] if not self._contents: arguments = ["(empty)"] else: text = self.get_text() if text: if len(text) > 20: shorter = text[:10] + ' // ' + text[-10:] arguments.append(repr(shorter)) else: arguments.append(repr(text)) skip.append(self.format_text) skip.append(self.format_unicode) skip.append(self.format_oemtext) else: arguments.append("(no_text)") for _format in sorted(self._contents.keys()): if _format in skip: continue if _format in self.format_names: arguments.append(self.format_names[_format]) else: arguments.append(repr(_format)) arguments = ", ".join(str(a) for a in arguments) return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({arguments})'
[docs] def copy_from_system(self, formats=None, save_clear=False, waiting_interval=None, waiting_iterations=None): """Copy the Windows system clipboard contents into this instance. Arguments: - *formats* (iterable, default: None) -- if not None, only the given content formats will be retrieved. If None, all available formats will be retrieved. - *save_clear* (boolean, default: False) -- if true, the Windows system clipboard will be saved in self._backup, and cleared after its contents have been retrieved. Will be restored from self._backup when the instance is destroyed. If false contents are retrieved in self._contents """ if waiting_interval or waiting_iterations: waiting_interval = waiting_interval or 0.025 waiting_iterations = waiting_iterations or 10 result = self._wait_for_clipboard_change(waiting_interval, waiting_iterations) if result is None: print("no clipboard change") return if result: if result > waiting_iterations*0.7 or self.debug: print(f'did have to wait {result} steps of {waiting_iterations} with interval of {waiting_interval:.3f} seconds.') if not OpenClipboardCautious(): if self.debug: print('Clipboard copy_from_system, could not open clipboard') return try: # Determine which formats to retrieve. contents = self._get_clipboard_data_from_system(formats=formats) # Retrieve Windows system clipboard content. if save_clear: if contents: self._backup = copy.copy(contents) if self.debug > 1: print('Clipboard, set backup to: %s'% repr(self._backup)) else: self._backup = None self._contents = None win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard() else: if contents: self._contents = copy.copy(contents) else: self._contents = None return contents finally: # Clear the system clipboard, if requested, and close it. self.current_sequence_number = win32clipboard.GetClipboardSequenceNumber() win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
def _get_clipboard_data_from_system(self, formats=None): """once the clipboard is opened, just get the clipboard data meant as internal functions, called from copy_from_system return the contents as a dict, see for example method get_text also leave the contents in self._contents """ contents = {} self._contents = {} if not formats: formats = _get_clipboard_formats_open_clipboard() elif isinstance(formats, int): formats = (formats,) # Verify that the given formats are valid. if not formats: if self.debug > 1: print('_get_clipboard_data_from_system, no formats available, empty clipboard...') return contents if formats: for _format in formats: try: content = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData(_format) contents[_format] = content except: pass # unknown formats, which cannot be handled self._contents = contents return contents
[docs] def copy_to_system(self, data=None, clear=True): """Copy the contents of this instance to the Windows clipboard Arguments: - data: text or dict of clipboard items (format, content) pairs - *clear* (boolean, default: True) -- if true, the Windows system clipboard will be cleared before this instance's contents are transferred. """ if not OpenClipboardCautious(): print('copy_to_system, could not open clipboard') return try: # Clear the system clipboard, if requested. if clear: try: win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard() except: if self.debug > 1: print('Clipboard, cannot EmptyClipboard, need more rights, can also not restore backup of clipboard') # Transfer content to Windows system clipboard. data = data or self._contents if data is None: return if isinstance(data, str): self.get_text(data) elif isinstance(data, dict): for _format, content in list(data.items()): win32clipboard.SetClipboardData(_format, content) else: if self.debug: print("Clipboard, copy_to_system, invalid type of data: %s"% type(data)) if self.debug > 1: print("data: %s\n========"% repr(data)) return finally: self.current_sequence_number = win32clipboard.GetClipboardSequenceNumber() win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
[docs] def Set_text_and_paste(self, t): """a one shot function to past text back into the application """ if isinstance(t, str) and t: self.copy_to_system(data=t)
#### to be finished
[docs] def restore(self): """restore the _backup to the system clipboard """ if self._backup: self.copy_to_system(self._backup, clear=True) else: if self.debug: print('Clipboard restore, nothing to restore')
[docs] def clear_clipboard(self): """Empty the clipboard and clear the internal clipboard data assume the clipboard is open this will be done at init phase with save_clear == True """ if self.debug > 1: print("clear_clipboard, before start, sequence number: %s"% self.current_sequence_number) if not OpenClipboardCautious(): print('copy_to_system, could not open clipboard') return try: win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard() self._contents = None except: print("clipboard, clear_clipboard, could not clear the clipboard") finally: self.current_sequence_number = win32clipboard.GetClipboardSequenceNumber() if self.debug > 1: print("clear_clipboard, new sequence number: %s"% self.current_sequence_number) win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
[docs] def has_format(self, format): """Determine whether this instance has content for the given format Arguments: - *format* (int) -- the clipboard format to look for. """ return format in self._contents
[docs] def get_format(self, format): """Retrieved this instance's content for the given *format*. Arguments: - *format* (int) -- the clipboard format to retrieve. If the given *format* is not available, a *ValueError* is raised. """ try: return self._contents[format] except KeyError as exc: raise ValueError(f'Clipboard format not available: {format}') from exc
def set_format(self, format, content): self._contents[format] = content
[docs] def has_text(self, waiting_interval=None, waiting_iterations=None): """ Determine whether this instance has text content. """ if self._contents: return (self.format_unicode in self._contents or self.format_text in self._contents) return False
[docs] def get_text(self, waiting_interval=None, waiting_iterations=None, replaceNullChar=True): """get the text (mostly unicode) contents of the clipboard This method first does a copy from system. If no text content available, return "" """ contents = self.copy_from_system(formats = [self.format_unicode, self.format_text], waiting_interval=waiting_interval, waiting_iterations=waiting_iterations) text = "" if contents: if self.format_unicode in contents: text = contents[self.format_unicode] if text.find('\r\n') >= 0: text = text.replace('\r\n', '\n') if text.find('\0') >= 0: if replaceNullChar: text = text.replace('\0', '') elif self.format_text in contents: text = contents[self.format_text] else: print("get contents, but no expected format: %s"% contents.keys()) text = "" if text.find('\r\n') >= 0: text = text.replace('\r\n', '\n') return text
def set_text(self, content): self._contents[self.format_unicode] = str(content) text = property( lambda self: self.get_text(), lambda self, d: self.set_text(d) )
[docs] def get_folderinfo(self, waiting_interval=None, waiting_iterations=None): """Retrieve this instance's folderinfo (also hdrop) do a copy_from_system automatically This should be a tuple of valid paths. The paths are not checked. If no valid info, return None """ self.copy_from_system(waiting_interval=waiting_interval, waiting_iterations=waiting_iterations) if self.format_hdrop in self._contents: result = self._contents[self.format_hdrop] if isinstance(result, tuple): return result
[docs] def save_sequence_number(self): """get the Clipboard Sequence Number and store in instance It is set in self.current_sequence_number, no return """ self.current_sequence_number = win32clipboard.GetClipboardSequenceNumber()
def _wait_for_clipboard_change(self, waiting_time, waiting_iterations): """wait a few steps until the clipboard is not changed. The previous Clipboard Sequence Number should be in the instance variable self.current_sequence_number This value is set when opening the clipboard, or in this internal function. When in doubt, call _set_sequence_number, before doing a copy! return True if changed """ try: w_time = float(waiting_time) except ValueError: w_time = 0.001 if w_time > 0.55: print('Clipboard, _wait_for_clipboard_change, waiting time too long, set to 0.1'% w_time) w_time = 0.001 try: n_wait = int(waiting_iterations) except ValueError: n_wait = 4 if n_wait <= 0: n_wait = 4 for i in range(n_wait): new_sequence_number = win32clipboard.GetClipboardSequenceNumber() if new_sequence_number > self.current_sequence_number: self.current_sequence_number = new_sequence_number if i: if self.debug: print('---Clipboard changed after %s steps of %.4fs (%.4f)'% (i, w_time, i*w_time)) else: if self.debug > 1: print('_wait_for_clipboard_change, clipboard changed immediately') # time.sleep(w_time) return i time.sleep(w_time) # no result: time_waited = n_wait*w_time if self.debug: print('Clipboard, no change in clipboard in %.4f seconds'% time_waited) get_hdrop = get_folderinfo
def _get_clipboard_formats_open_clipboard(): """return clipboard formats available, when clipboard is open """ formats = [] f = win32clipboard.EnumClipboardFormats(0) while f: formats.append(f) f = win32clipboard.EnumClipboardFormats(f) return formats
[docs]def OpenClipboardCautious(nToTry=4, waiting_time=0.1): """sometimes, wait a little before you can open the clipboard... """ for i in range(nToTry): try: win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() except: time.sleep(waiting_time) continue else: wait = (i+2)*waiting_time if i: print(f'had to wait, and extra wait {i} OpenClipboardCautious: {wait:.4f} seconds') time.sleep(waiting_time) return True